June 5, 2017: Paris ‘Revolution’ | Intern Terror Suspects | Kelly’s “Rough Start”

putin megyn kelly

1. Paris ‘Revolution’

In the wake of Trump’s pullout from the Paris climate accord, mayors and governors across the country pledged to make their own commitments to cut greenhouses gases. While this was largely regarded as a positive development in the Mainstream Media, some in the conservative media -- which, you would think, believe power should be exercised at a local level -- saw rebellion afoot. “Democrats plot ‘Revolution’ to circumvent Trump’s Paris decision,” whined a headline in The Daily Caller.

Also very unpopular was Michael Bloomberg, who pledged $15 million from his philanthropy to fulfill America’s commitment to the U.N. office that oversees the Paris accord and which Trump has threatened to defund. Complained The Washington Examiner: “Bloomberg defies Trump in forming coalition to meet Paris climate goals.”

The billionaire former mayor was also taking it on the chin in the Red Twittersphere:

Red Nation Rising‏ @RedNationRising with 106 k followers wrote:

Number of homeless in NYC has risen from 31,000 in 2002 to 63,000 now. Bloomberg pledges $15M to fight weather. 

Also of Note:

In his Fox newsletter, Halftime Report, Chris Stirewalt reflected on the Democrats' reaction to Trump’s Paris decision:

The high-decibel outrage being exhibited from Democrats about the Paris Deal is probably too high even for suburban voters, who may be concerned about global warming, but not as a top-tier issue. And it definitely reinforces the negative view that working-class voters have taken of Democrats as out-of-touch elitists more concerned with being green than they are about jobs.

Meanwhile, in a recent Townhall column, one climate change believer explainedwhy he supported Trump’s Paris decision:

Ultimately, in considering the Paris accord, the fundamental question is whether the trade-offs it demands are a good deal for the American people. The president doesn't believe so, and I tend to agree with him -- and the hysterical dissenting conniption fits from some quarters have done absolutely nothing to convince me otherwise.


2. Intern Terror Suspects

After any terror attack, the Red Media usually starts spewing Islamophobia, using the incident to justify everything from border walls to travel bans. The attacks on London Bridge prompted such predictable refrains, including one tweet from the president himself saying: “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

But the attack in London brought two new twists in angry rhetoric. This time a regular British contributor to Fox, the Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins, appeared on the Sunday morning Fox & Friends to raise the idea of “interning” 3,000 terror suspects in Britain.

After being pounded on Twitter, Fox issued this on-air apology: “Earlier on the show,” said Clayton Morris, “we had a couple of guests mention the word internment, the idea of internment camps as a possible solution to this. I think I made it well-known my feeling on that, which I find reprehensible, but on behalf of the network, I think all of us here find that idea reprehensible here at Fox News Channel.”

But unabashed, Ms. Hopkins @KTHopkins doubled down on Twitter:

“Time to fight back for Britain. Incarcerate the 3,000. Deport Imams. Close down mosques. Drain the extremist swamp.”

Also unusual was Trump's attack on the mayor of London in a tweet: “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!" It is such a break in protocol for the president to attack a sitting mayor in a time of crisis that the acting U.S. Ambassador to Britain published a tweet supporting the mayor. The Washington Examiner reported:

“The acting United States ambassador to the United Kingdom split with President Trump on Sunday by praising London Mayor Sadiq Khan's response to the attacks in England.

"I commend the strong leadership of the @MayorofLondon as he leads the city forward after this heinous attack," Lewis Lukens tweeted from the U.S. embassy's account.”

What We’re Watching:

CNN reporters covering the London bombing were videotaped herding into position Muslim protestors carrying signs that said “ISIS WILL LOSE” for a segment. It is not entirely uncommon for crews to pose subjects for live TV shot, but the conservative media pounced calling the staged news, fake news.Here is the Gateway Pundit headline: “SHOCK VIDEO: CNN Creates #FakeNews in London Following Terror Attacks, Stages Anti-ISIS Muslim Protesters.”

3. Megyn, Putin and the Dress

Megyn Kelly made her debut on NBC last night with an exclusive interview with Vladimir Putin. Yes, That Vladimir Putin. We were wondering how the Red Media would treat the former Fox superstar after she helped sink the Fox News founder and chairman Roger Ailes and then defected to the Mainstream Media.

LifeZette, run by Laura Ingraham, was feeling catty.  It ran with the headline: “Megyn Kelly Turns on the Sex Appeal for Putin. Revealing dress she wore for her interview with Russian president raises eyebrows — and many questions.”

The dress, in case you’re wondering, was an off-the-shoulder blue velvet number.

At least LifeZette's response was not worse than the reviews from the Mainstream Media. Newsday, for example, announced that Kelly was off to a “rough start.”  It opined that Putin pretty much had his way with her, speaking for long uninterrupted stretches.